Steel waste recycling has a history of 150 years, making steel one of the first secondary raw materials to be used in manufacturing. Today, steel mills use steel scrap as a raw material in addition to alternative iron ore in a lower (35%) or higher (100%) grade. The use of steel waste is environmentally friendly, as producing steel from waste means using much less carbon, which means less CO2 emissions and air pollution, as well as less energy consumption.
Our company performs steel and iron waste collection, where we focus on:
We have X-ray diffraction and spectrometry equipment to identify different alloys. This helps to identify special alloys. Our group has a commercial relationship with all steel mills in the region, as our first-class supplier trading conditions are favorable, so we also provide favorable prices and stability to our customers. In case of large batches or continuous quantities of waste, please contact the manager of our nearest site or our commercial director.
MSZ EN ISO 14001:2015
MSZ EN ISO 9001:2015
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